Originally Posted by Paloma
Kinda, I guess. You have codeine over the counter there, right? Kind of like it's harder than that, but nothing like benzos (Valium and such), you can't die lamf when you get withdrawal from opiates like with benzos. Most opiates are harder, but as I said opioids aren't, really. They're a couple steps above weed and shrooms, but nothing like heroin. Heroin is crap anyway. In my experience it's a heavier one that coke/crack/speed or any stimulants.
Haha, sorry for the ramble.
Yeah I think Codeine is an over the counter product. I've tryed Valium, and i'd have passed that off as a drug similar to weed. It didn't do anything for me except make me a little sleepy. I never knew Valium could kill you, otherwise I probably wouldn't have tryed it. I've only really tryed softer drugs, I'm a bit of a pussy. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. I know I'd never try Herion, I'd be scared I'd get addicted, and you're passed off a s a junkie here if you try it (I'm not at all saying you're a junkie).
the ramble was good :P