Originally Posted by Schizotypic
I think they did a decent job with Shadowplay, they just had a tough act to follow. It's like I was saying, their not bad, they just shouldn't be comparing themselves to Joy Division.
They weren't trying to emulate the song.. Anton Corbijn directed 'Control' (biopic of Ian Curtis from Joy Divison). Corbjin also directed The Killers' All These Things I've Done music video, and is obviously a fan of The Killers so asked them to cover Corbjin's favourite Joy Division song for the film's soundtrack.
I love both version of Shadowplay. I like how The Killers cover of Shadowplay doesn't sound like your typical lazy soundtrack cover - it has a different feel to it and more energy. They also did a great job of Bright Eyes' 'Four Winds' - imo, their version sounds better than the original.