Originally Posted by Zarko
Just on the minke thing, was it a PM through the website, I am guessing obviously? Were you supporting an argument or refuting? Just interested in all.
Yeah, it was a PM. Up until that point, I hadn't been active in the discussion. I saw someone post that Norway hunts for near extinct species .. Of course that's not true, so I posted the quota (1000-1200 animals or so) and the actual numbers of minke whales hunted (about half the quota every year) compared to the north-atlantic population size which has been hunted here for hundreds of years (>100 000 animals) and the worldwide population numbers (current estimate is >650 000 I believe).
I made a point that a discussion on Norway's whaling shouldn't be so much on whether or not it's ecologically harmful - because it is sustainable. Then it makes more point to talk about the fisheries. It should be a discussion on morale and I didn't actually present any kind of view myself whether I view whaling as immoral or not, but it seems the factual numbers alone was enough to make someone want to kill me and my family.
I wonder how many death threats people like Richard Dawkins get per year.