Originally Posted by tore
Hey guys!
I was wondering, what do you guys think about internet and anonymity? Do you ever worry that people can find out information about who you are, where you live, what your phonenumber and income is and so on or don't you care?
I used to not care until I quite harmlessly posted some numbers on the population size of norwegian minke whales in a discussion on whaling. Afterwards, some guy wrote me a private message saying he would hunt me down and kill me and my family. The threat didn't scare me (much at least), but I'll admit I was quite shocked that someone would write something like that to me over something as factual and cold as population numbers. It's the kind of stuff that makes you lose faith in humanity a little and reminds you that the net is full of complete psychos.
Since then, I've been a bit more aware. For example I never got involved in a discussion like that again. I've also been a little more concious about staying anoymous on internet forums. Take my full name for example, I don't share it with that many norwegians. If someone knows where I live, they could narrow it down quite easily. For that reason, I try not to leave trails on the internet which could lead back to me although I have left a couple of pictures up here and so on (might have to delete those btw!!).
Not saying I don't trust you guys and I'm sure this might inspire a few jokes but  what do you guys think? Anyone have similar experiences?
Everyday life is filled with these same people. I have more faith in humanity online than anywhere because I see all the support groups and forums that are there to help people who need it. Anyone who doesnt believe this go check forums for things like depression and such. Lots of helpful people making your fellow internet users feel better about them selves.
Then theres sites like 4 chan