Music Banter - View Single Post - Ugly Things People Do/Wear To Look Attractive
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Old 12-05-2009, 05:38 AM   #686 (permalink)
Axiomatic Wiki
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I wasn't the first person to bring it up. Believe it or not.

It started off with The Monkey saying people should never shave their heads and obviously Jackhammer wasn't a big fan of that statement and then some of the female members talked about how it's a hot look for guys and then 333 said she wanted to shave her head for charity and then Vegangelica said she wanted to do it and then I showed up and........ yeah, 6 pages later and here we are.

Oh well, I guess I should be the one to get this thread back on topic so.

Here's one that comes to mind.

Anyone who looks remotely like this person.

It's the combination of the douchebag haircut, the douchebag stubble, the short sleeve shirt under a long sleeve shirt (what the hell is this, 1995?) and the Dreamcast controller that just says "oooooooooh look at me I'm an indie gamer".

What a ***gy piece of ****.

EDIT: If some weeaboo jackass named "Nichoci" signs up for this forum it's this guy, I'm sure he'll find this as he googles himself obsessively because he thinks a few retards fapping to his ****ty Space Channel 5 porn drawings on deviantART gives him license to be a goddamn egotistical ****bag.

So there you go, I brought this thread back on topic, thank me later.

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I lol'd
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