Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
I wonder if it'd be effective/reasonable to implement some sort of application process for joining the boards. I know it sounds ridiculous, but if new accounts were redirected to a form that was to be filled out, sent to, and looked over by moderators who would decide whether the member isn't here to spam, then that could be an effective first line of defense.
Members who's applications are approved would then be on a 'watch status' for a period of a week, and if they haven't screwed up by the end of it, they'd be full in.
The application wouldn't require personal information and all that... but just simply a form in which they explain why they want to join the site. It'd be sort of like when you post in the Member's Journal section and a mod has to approve it.
I know this sounds contradictory to the nature of a public web site, but really it's just preventative measures of control that are well within the discretion of moderators anyway, but are usually exercised after the fact.
I probably sound like big brother or something, but the idea just popped into my mind and I wanted to run it by someone who may be able to refine it if anyone feels there's any merit in it.
Getting back to this
This was suggested a good while back when we were having lots of problems with people starting extra accounts. The biggest sticking point was that vetting users and changing a users status isn't a moderator task, it's an admin task.
We did ask if it was possible to give one of the mods admin powers and that came back as a resounding no and the idea was dropped.