Originally Posted by 333
Barnard17 - My first impression of this guy was "Wow, what an egomaniac." My current impression of this guy is almost the same except that I sort of enjoy his posts a little more. ... Also, I used to think he was homosexual.
In true form to my egomania the first thing I did when coming across this thread was to scan it to see what people had to say about me. Though, I'll be the first to admit my narcissistic nature. It would be hard to deny from the amount of enjoyment I get out of simple things, like mirrors. I'm also forever amazed at how much I seem to give out *** vibes, I have no idea where it comes from.
Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
He is able to utilize his appearance and charisma in a way that lets him be himself without having to sacrifice his own ideas to be able to get women.
Haha. In real life I can tend to be the sledgehammer of subtlety. The concept of thinking before you speak has never really held much weight with me, though I'm not so convinced it's a virtue :P
Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
I think his best attribute is his ability to not let his intellect and appearance make him seem pretentious or snobby.
I'm glad you think that. My debating approach is somewhat aggressive and passionate, which runs the risk of coming off as a total snob. That's not especially a self image I'd want to promote.
Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
I never saw him post anywhere but in the Lounge or the Members Picture Thread which gave me the impression he wasn't here for music.
Originally Posted by jackhammer
you are a very intelligent guy who if only put as much effort in music discussion as you do regarding Lounge posts then you could be a very respected member of the forums.
Originally Posted by 333
He seems to enjoy debates/arguments a little too much and this makes me question his purpose here.[/I]
Aha, easily the most common complaint I hear about me, which is fair enough for a music forum. I first signed up because Ethan (who I knew from another forum) bugged me into doing so. At the time my total taste in music didn't get much beyond In Flames and a few other metal bands and I definitely wasn't incredibly into it, more just listened because that's what my friends also listened to. Nowadays my music appreciation has become much broader and hopefully a little deeper (and definitely leant away from metal) but I still find it hard to put forward anything constructive about music without feeling like I'm parroting what someone else has already said. Sporadically I have an attempt at becoming a productive poster on the music side of things and as my music taste improves it'll hopefully become less sporadic and more common place. I don't ignore the music section because I lack an interest in music, it's just I don't feel as though I'm being especially productive with the posts I feel capable of making there.
I'd love to fill out my own list of opinions on members however I fear it would be somewhat lacking. For one of those with 4 years or more under my belt my frequent sabbaticals and scant appreciation of the breadth of this forum leave me with good knowledge of only a few of the current posters. Give me a couple of weeks, I'll get more involved and have something worthwhile to say