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Old 12-03-2009, 05:56 AM   #5 (permalink)
thirsty ears
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Posts: 742

it's impossible to stay anonymous on the internet. you may have heard of the things that 4chan members have done to people - in a manner of hours, they can track down telephone numbers, home addresses, schools, and more from just a few small seeds of information.

then there are the sites that most people don't know about... my friend works as a private investigator in the US, and with a social security number, he can get instant access to credit histories, address histories, known associations, bank accounts... the works. these are private subscription sites that are not open to the general public, but this information is out there nonetheless.

just googling your user name i know you're a 20-something student from Oslo, studying arctic terrestrial invertebrates. your Flickr account has a picture of a van with a visible license plate number along with several pictures of you, plus full names of people whose photos you uploaded (friends perhaps?). your blog also gives full names of several colleagues. googling their names brings up UNIS - is that where you go to school? i could go on, but i guess i've proven my point...

it's a small world out there, and anyone can access it without having to step foot outside. be careful!
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