Originally Posted by Conan
It wasn't censored merely because of the kiss. *** and Lesbian stuff is on television all the time.
It was the oral sex simulation as well as what he did with men and woman. If it was a girl he held up to his crotch they'd censor that too... it's prime time ABC for goodness sake.
I agree that was a little much. But did you see the other performances of the night? Not entirely appropriate either. The performance did have a very disturbing S&M vibe. But a lot of people were not complaining about that. A lot of people were complaining about him kissing a guy. 'Lesbian stuff' has become accepted, yet for some reason man-on-man stuff just isn't okay. Had the performance not had all the chains and bondage stuff, and had he still kissed that guy. You know damn well people still would have thrown hissy fits.