Jackhammer - seems like a genuinely nice, conscientious guy. Very mature in his outlook towards music and very respectful of other peoples opinions. I dig that a lot.
Right Track - Probably my favourite mod, always willing to help and from personal experience he is the one who has done the most for me on this site. Much appreciation.
These are the only two mods are really ever have any interaction with. The others i dont talk to enough to have any discernable opinion of.
Lucifer Sam - One of the few members i actively seek to keep up with in terms of musicbanter input. For me he has one of the best tastes in music on this site and everything i've read of his has either been thoughtful or sarcastically brutal, both of which i dig. Doesnt post much anymore which is a shame.
Molecules - Again, doesnt post enough, but i've had many a good discussion with him. Im grateful for the music he has introduced me to and he's always the first to provide an up if requested. Cool cat.
Musicphantom - No offence to newbs, but he is a minority in that he's a new member with something to say that catches a modicum of my interest. From what i've so far ascertained he has a taste very similiar to mine, and as a result we've had some really interesting discussions and recommendations.
Dac - I miss this guy, such a thirst for new music, i found it really refreshing to have somebody interested in listening to bands i posted, and in return i got some really cool recs from him too.
MojopinUK - I dont talk to him much, but im always interested in what he has to say. If i see a new post from him i tend to look into it as he always has something insighful to say. He also has a great taste in music.
Adidasss - I used to get on with him a lot more than i do now, maybe because of my sporadic inactivity, who knows. But one thing that hasnt changed is that for the most part he has something intelligent to say. I do think his tastes are a bit insular (i only ever notice his posts in the Indie forum), but he's obviously passionate about music and i like that.
GravitySlips - One of my favourite members. So knowledgable on some really great genres that i personally am into. I'd like to add he's a nice guy too, respectful and helpful; he's bestowed upon me some really good albums.
Swim - i really miss seeing this girl posting. Puts my knowledge to shame. She struck me as being very open-minded, which i think any real music fan should be. There just arent enough posters like this about anymore.
To be honest these are the only members i can have an opinion on, the rest i simply just do not talk to or have anything in common with.