Hmm... I don't know really that's a bit hard. I'd honestly say that despite how I come across on here if I really stop and think about it, I'm definitely still developing my music taste. One thing I love in music is a heavy dose of noise. Most bands with elements of noise I like from all sorts of genres, and especially noise rock, noise pop, and experimental noise stuff. I love shoegaze and dream pop. Alternative hip hop stuff usually does it for me, be it ATCQ and De La Soul or Alias and the anticon collective, as well as instrumental hip hop. I have a harder time finding more mainstream rap that does it for me, a lot of that just doesn't click. Trip hop and post rock/metal are good at times, but there's a lot of bad bands in there. Stuff with a drone to it, anything from Sun Araw to Trouble Books. And of course, old and new indie and alternative rock. Lots of good stuff in there. I've been trying to get into more jazz and 60s and 70s psychedelic rock as well. Lastly, I'm a sucker for indie pop of all sorts. Still, the biggest thing that generally hits with me is noisy music.