I used to be something that i see so much of in this country which is the young, narrow minded, British indie follower who may as well carry a copy of the NME around in their breast pocket like a security blanket or a Bible instead of keeping a copy in the john for when you run out of toilet paper like the rest of us. I don't remember liking any music other than really awful 90's dance and pop music when i was a kid, then i really got into MJ then the first guitar band i ever got into was Oasis when i was about 10 and so the transformation began. Oasis, The Who, The Smiths, The Stone Roses, The Jam, Weller, OCS, The Beatles, The Stones, The Pistols etc. I even quite fancied myself as a mod at one stage, which makes me cringe now it was so pathetic because i had never actually had anything to back that up at all. I then hit the whole garage rock revival scene hard at the turn of the decade and a few bands also kickin around at the time. The Strokes, The White Stripes, B.R.M.C, The Music, The Vines etc.
I've kept a lot of that in my collection. Sure, there a few bands from around that time that i've grown out of but i still like alot of it, just maybe not as much these days. Since then i've developed an appreciation for a wider range of music and am much happier because of it.
Now i would say my favourite genres are heavy metal but more specifically doom metal and stoner rock. Bands like Orange Goblin, Clutch, Electric Wizard, Pentagram and as is often the case with fans of these genres, i have a great appreciation for Black Sabbath who may or may not still be my favourite band. I also have a liking for quite a lot of 80's thrash metal.
60's and early 70's psychedelic rock and garage rock, which as of late i have been simply allowing to control my life.
Post-rock is a genre that certainly has its limits but late at night if i need something atmospheric with real mood and emotion to throw on then this genre gets a good beating from me. If you can throw a string section into the equation too, then im golden. Trip-hop i would say i dig for the same reasons but am no expert with this genre just yet.
I've also scratched the surface with funk, any electronic music outside of trip-hop, blues and am looking to get into more hip-hop. Theres alot more genres of music i feel like i should include if im trying to sum up my music taste but i think what i have mentioned above will suffice because i genre hop a lot and just tend to move on rather quickly.
Last edited by Mojo; 11-30-2009 at 05:56 AM.