^^^ Yeah, you gotta love the guy on the bells the best!
But seriously, here are some videos, old and new, of some of the best S&G songs in my opinion:
Old S&G:
I think "America" and "The Boxer" might be tied for my all-time favorites, though. Here they are singing "America" at the onset of their reunion tour:
America on DL
And of course, there is "Bridge Over Troubled Water," which Simon wrote and Garfunkel sang--a cause of tension around the release of their last album by same name. Here's young A.G. singing it-what an incredible voice--(hope non-US viewers can get video on daily motion--there's not a good You Tube version:
Dailymotion - Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge over troubled Water - une vidéo Musique
During reunion, both S and G sang BOTW, but I think it is cool that Simon moves to the background at the end. It is just my opinion, of course, but if you are not moved by the end of this, you are just plain not human:
Dailymotion - Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water - a People & Family video
Too depressed by all the seriousness? Then, try 59th Bridge Song. One of the best things about reunion concerts is the instrumentation that they added. Check out the 2 cool background instruments:

They are the masters!