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Old 11-21-2009, 03:02 PM   #70 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Originally Posted by Zero1986 View Post
I'm finding it hard to get into that album. It feels like the sort of album that will take repeated listens to get into but i'm kinda loosing my patience with it. Maybe it's best listened to in a certain mood or late at night.
Honestly the only reason why I put that album on my list was because I couldn't think of anything else to without contradicting some previous statement I've made over the year. I understand how you feel though about the annoyance of repeated listens, I'm starting to feel that way with Humbug. For every Arctic Monkey album I've had to listen to it a total of three times before I really began to enjoy it, this includes their debut. I knew this going into Humbug but I still can't bring myself to like it. It's got some decent songs but it's nothing great. I liked the maturity that I heard in Favourite Worst Nightmare, however I think Alex needed to turn down the reverb on his voice a tad bit. Anyways I forgot where I was going with this post, but I understand how you feel.
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