boo boo: I think you rule and your a force to be reckoned with when talking about video games.
cardboard adolescent: Never a bad post, and many similar taste to myself. The Stoner and the Stoned.
dac: Ya Trick, good solid poster. Dont leave.
dreadnaught: Glad you became a mod. I dont have that much in common musically but your still a good member.
fasho: If he posts you better read it. There might be something crazy there.
GuitarBizzare: I am angry with him because he has not made more guitar instructional videos. How dare he have a life.
gunnels: Quite possibly the most random poster here. Never know where he will show up.
jackhammer: Has introduced me to many bands, and sent me many links. You rule.
Janzoon: Finally another good mod to clear the filth from these decrepit walls.
JayJamJah: Great taste and even better reviews. Should be elected as supermod.
Kirby: Hm, good taste. Dont know anyhting else!
Lacesoutdan: I preferred our old user name but I still accept you as a champ.
Lateralus: Wonderful voice, face, and posts.
lucifer_sam: turned me on to some great music. another solid poster that shouldnt leave
mojopunk: Seems to hae smart things to add. Dont know much about him but seems solid as a cement wall.
Molecules: Same as above. Good poster but a mystery.
Mr Dave: Probably one of my favorite members. He is one of the few that actually has some recorded music thats dope, and is always helpful and friendly.
I have about 20 to go ill finish later.
*Best chance of losing virginity is in prison crew*
*Always Checks Credentials Crew*
*nba > nfl crew*
*Shave one of my legs to pretend its a girl in my bed crew*