Music Banter - View Single Post - The Pixies vs Nirvana
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Old 11-20-2009, 08:58 PM   #10 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by loveissucide View Post
in particular those horrible "Kurt Cobain 1967-1994" t-shirts have put me off their music to a degree.
I don't know if people are still rocking those shirts, but I certainly did in high school, because what i wore was an extension of what i felt. I had just been getting into Nirvana, and then *poof* it was gone. Someone who had been able to break into mainstream that still maintained a genuine persona. For many people, myself included, those shirts were not a gross manipulation of a dead body or capitalizing off the dead, but a coping mechanism for people who felt that they lost the only person in the visible present who had any balls to speak out against bull**** like homophobia or hatred, in a scene where that had been unprecedented. For a kid in high school, I didn't have a lot of outlets to say, "HEY! PEOPLE! THIS IS A RIDICULOUS LOSS FOR ALL OF HUMANKIND! PAY ATTENTION TO THIS!", especially being the kind of kid who would be personally affected by Cobain's lyrics. I'd like to give a bit of leeway to the new school, but by now, especially considering how things have progressed, it's probably not necessary to be wearing these shirts. People know now what we lost in Kurt Cobain, and trying to express this to audiences by wearing said shirt nowadays is presumably falling on dead ears.
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