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Old 11-17-2009, 04:44 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Anyone have any experience selling art?

I am currently in high school, I will be graduating in a year and have been starting to think about university. I realize it is going to be very expensive and have been working to get some money before hand. I was wondering if selling artwork could be an alternative source of income in the mean time. I do a lot of sketches and little projects here and there just for fun and thought there may be a possibility to get some extra cash from selling my artwork. I have had some good reception from some people on music banter already and a lot of my friends really like my work aswell. Is there any specifics I should know before selling anything? or what is the best way to come about doing so? would anyone be interested in buying these?
btw here is some of my drawings in links:
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