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Old 11-17-2009, 07:40 AM   #4 (permalink)
thirsty ears
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Posts: 742

Something like this happened to me back in college. Friday night and i was with some friends - we were a couple of hours in to a good mushroom journey. Phone rang, I answered, and it turned out to be my mom. She figured out what was going on pretty quick, and I got a good lecture about drugs and what not. She as pretty upset. The conversation ended with her asking me to pick something up at the store since I was going to visit her in a couple of days. I scribbled it down, and managed to remember to pick it up.

When I got back home and gave her the whatever-it-was that she asked me to bring, she was very surprised and wanted to know how I knew she needed it. I told her that she asked me to pick one up when we talked on the phone the a few nights back. Suddenly the tables turned – turns out she was drunk and doesn’t remember a thing!
my flac collection
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