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Old 11-16-2009, 11:28 PM   #1 (permalink)
Pale and Wan
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Default The Curious, Disconcerting and Uncomfortable

I had a half-hearted search for a thread like this but nothing popped up. The simple but endlessly funny premise is sharing our embarrassing stories, or your friends - the point is to cringe and laugh at other people's expense. This might die, but it has been relentlessly hilarious at other forums I've been on.

I'll break the alcohol related trend I foresee, with something that happened to me just yesterday. I got home and a brand new and very red couch was sitting in our living room. So I'm all excited but there's no-one to talk with, then the phone rings and it sounds exactly like my sister who just moved out.

So the conversation goes exactly like this:

Her: Hello s-

Me: Oh, hey nig, we just got a new couch, so fucking get over here and we'll recline with gin and juice.

Her: (pause) Hello sir, I was just ringing up to see if you were interested in donating to the Spastic Centre.

Me:, sorry.

I'm still smiling about it. So, somebody share with me.
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