Music Banter - View Single Post - David Guetta
Thread: David Guetta
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Old 11-10-2009, 03:15 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Yeah Guetta's okay in the grand scheme of things. He does have an uncanny ability to produce some absolutely massive club rockers from time-to-time although he does make a lot of songs (4 albums in the last 7 years).

I think it's interesting how he's adapted over time too as when he began to breakthrough his sound was more disco(ish) and funkier such as People come, People Go which is considerably different from today's electronic sound. He has done this over time though with each album being a small step in this direction (Tiesto take note). I think I prefer Pop Life a little more though as it's just as electronic but with more collaborations with Chris Willis, who I think makes Guetta produce his most solid work. His voice is somewhat an acquired taste I admit, but I like it.

I don't really know why he collaborates with so many RnB artists on One Love though. A shameless attempt to crack the American market maybe?
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