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Old 11-07-2009, 06:56 AM   #1105 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by sidewinder View Post
Yeah when you go to a show alone you can focus 100% on the music, rather than worrying if the person that' with you is enjoying it, wondering how they're hearing songs versus how you're hearing them, having to say "WHAT?!" a few times when they try to tell you something, etc.

I've never gone to a movie alone though. But I would...if movies didn't cost so damn much these days. Netflix for me thank you very much.
I go to movies alone pretty often and it's fine because it's not like I chit-chat with people during the movie anyway. Music is a little different for me though because it's more of a social experience. I've been to a couple shows alone and it's fine I guess but with no one to talk to in between sets I usually end up drinking a lot more and sometimes it effects my enjoyment of the band, as was the case when I went to see the Swingin' Utters by myself earlier this year.
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