Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
^ That movie ****ed up my life. I saw it when I was 6 or 7 and I've had an intense fear of alien's ever since. I stopped eating Mars Bars after seeing it and now whenever I get scared I reflexively tuck my thumbs into the palms of my hands to keep them safe from being bitten off. 
It really was scary, a lot scarier than your normal comedy and scarier than most non-comedic alien movies

The president's last speech was almost hard to watch, just cause you know he's going to get killed right after. But it was still really good
It's weird, I've just been seeing a s
hitload of Tim Burton/Jack Nicholson movies. In the past month I think I've seen:
The Shining (Nicholson)
Batman (both)
Edward Scissorhands (Burton)
Chinatown (Nicholson)
Mars Attacks (both)