Originally Posted by Vanilla
That's sweet! What do you want to do work wise out of that? Like directing, producing? That's similar to my method, I mean try making an essay out of this: " Examine how changes in the understanding of glacier mechanics have changed our understanding of glacial sedimentary processes."
Haha I've done my degree, in geography and statistics, and now I'm finishing my post graduate diploma in geography. Trust me four years of study takes you to mental instabilities that you've never been before 
sommat in sound/post-production probably, anything in a darkened room with minimal human contact, it depends what woik experience i can accumulate etc. No good'll come of it, will be back on the dole within a year!
Your essay sounds like fun... or at least researchable, black/white facts... just need to master those bastard journal archive things and stay ahead of the pack. You're almost thru that gauntlet of punishing self-discipline. i loathe having a broadband connection in the same place i 'study', it's just asking for trouble