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Old 11-05-2009, 03:35 PM   #10079 (permalink)
The Wetter The Better!!
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post
I spent my early evening spoon feeding my Dad his dinner at the local hospital where he was admitted last night following a fall at his care home.
Tests showed his haemoglobin was low and he needed a blood transfusion.
This is his 5th (at least) transfusion this year. The hospital have suspected he had a steady bleed and had his name down for exploratory tests.
Then two weeks ago he was admitted to hospital bleeding profusely from his backside and had to have his sheets replaced every 20 minutes by the nurses because he was constantly lying in a pool of his own blood.
Basically, as quick as they were filling him up with blood he was bleeding it out again.
They rushed him to Manchester Royal for a specialist operation in a bid to close the source using coils, but couldn't find where the blood was coming from.
We were told that an operation to explore and then remove part of his colon would kill him in his condition. We were informed that if he didn't stop bleeding there would be a point where they would have to stop giving him blood and allow him to bleed to death as continuing was pointless.
His only hope was to stop bleeding naturally, which he thankfully did 2 days later.

For the last 12 months my father has been admitted to hospital on an average of once every 3 weeks with one thing or another.
After admission they send him back to his care home where he has the privilege of paying more than £450 per week for their services.
My dad has worked hard all his life and now the government are taking all his pension and differing the difference against the sale of his house.

Today was the day I decided I wasn't going to grow old...even if it kills me!
I think about that a lot

Don't know if I'm strong enough to endure seeing any my family endure that

That really sucks and I'm sorry, it REALLY makes me sad hearing that and I that and I feel for you and your family

I truly don't believe I have the stamina to grow old either
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