Originally Posted by Molecules
lol, cheers. Well i am a smoker and eat like sh*t anyway so it wouldve been a drop in the ocean. Damn you and your e-journals, reminds me i have essays to work on =/
Ha ha! Sorry!
Well, every drop probably counts. Say, do you eat whole peanuts (minus the shell, of course)? I actually like making peanut butter in my mouth simply by eating roasted peanuts and chewing...is that crunchy? Is that smooth? I don't know. But I *do* know that combined with raisins in the mouth, unsalted peanuts are quite tasty...and an easy way to add in those drops of healthful nourishment. Don't know if that can combat the effects of smoking, though...but probably it doesn't hurt!
Heh heh...maybe you should start a new lounge thread called "Help with my work" where you say what topic you are researching and those of us who like to sleuth out information can make reference suggestions, so that you can spend more time on MB and actually get essays done!