Originally Posted by Schizotypic
Yeah but without demonoid it just is not the same!
Lets take today, I wanted all five Simon and Garfunkel albums... now I have two options- 1) download via public torrents (which are usually crap), or 2) Search raidshare/mediaupload/blogs for all five one album at a time.
I'm not saying I'm unhappy with these methods (it's free music!), but rather that I'm unhappy with them just in comparison to demonoid- and that life without it's magical torrents makes me realize just how much I really am going to miss it.
This post has been in loving memory of our beloved demonoid, may she rest in peace always... or better yet come back.
In that case I usuall would just google "SImon and Garfunkle discography rapidshare" if that doesn't work I'd take out rapidshare and try megaupload or mediafire.
And the only reason I use stuff other than mediafire is because sometimes I can only find it through megaupload/rapidshare.