Originally Posted by boo boo
Yeah that one was classic.
Stewie is always at his best when he's evil, I think they need to play that up more.

stewies a smart character, he comes out with a lot of one liner's which make me laugh for ages. Theres one where he has a one night stand with a CPR doll, which I found hilarious. I mainly found it funny how he was telling the doll excuses not to meet up. The one where Peter sells Meg to the pharmacist, and he gives Lois a "Sorry I sold our daughter card" and he remarks "Yeah you don't know how hard it was to find one of those in English" that episodes on now, made me laugh for ages aswell.
Anyways a very good friend of mines who has a similar sense of humour spoke very highly of southpark today so I will probably give it another chance.