Originally Posted by Lost_At_22
Yes, i suspect the most popular group for this are Rammstein, famous world wide and all in German.
Yup yup, I definitely listen to Rammstein! I love the way the german sounds with that kind of music, the overall sound of the language just fits.... i don't actually know anyone else who listens to them though.. which is interesting since they are as you say so popular otherwise.
Originally Posted by kayleigh.
Right so a few years ago a song called Boten Anna was released by Basshunter (I welcome a slagging I deserve it) and I remember listening to it and knowing all the words (In Swedish) and having no idea what it meant. I enjoyed the lyrics, but the song not so much. Even though I couldnt fully apreciate the lyrics cos they were in swedish, but they were still catchy. Someone told me it was translated into the song we all know and hate, Now Youre Gone. I never bothered to look it up though. Anyways I was a pup when this all happend and its only been in the past 2/3 years I've developed a taste in music. So feel free to rip me a new arsehole. I deserve it for listening to him. 
I actually really like Basshunter, but its in the same way that i can say I like most pop music, like 3OH!3 for example. Its not because its particualarly good music, it just is kinda catchy. Nothing to be ashamed of in that
As far as other not-so-popular music in other languages, i must say my horizons are a bit limited in that area. I have yet to really explore music to discover what I really look for, but i know that harmonies and musical structure are just as important or more important than lyrics-- no matter what language its in, the meaning is going to communicate itself anyway.
I'm gonna go look up all these french artists now :P