Originally Posted by Fruitonica
I'm waiting to read your impression on this....
Was one of my favourite novels when I first read it, but has slipped a bit down my list. Very good though.
Originally Posted by toretorden
^American Gods is good, but I though the idea was better than the execution. I don't think Gaiman managed to communicate everything what was on his mind that well when he wrote it and the story lacks direction, I think. It has a B movie feel to it, I think .. and it's 90s cheesy as hell, but that's what you want from Gaiman.
Still a good book and well worth a read, but I wouldn't rate it among my favourites.
Finally finished it. I thought it a very good read, very engaging, easily legible, very fluid, with enough action and surprises to keep you interested. Didn't detect any 90s cheesiness. I especially liked the short stories that were interspersed throughout. Plus the ending was very good, something a lot of novels lack, very cinematic, which is probably why I liked it. The only fault I can find with it is that it's very long so it did end up being a bit of chore, but that's only because I'm rather impatient. If you're not expecting anything particularly profound but just entertaining and original, I'd definitely recommend it.
Moved on to:

only about 1/10th in, but this is very good. Reminds me a bit of Vonnegut in its use of personal experience interspersed with fiction which gives it a very honest, introspective vibe, something I dig muchly...kind of a major mindf
uck though innit? I mean, even more than your usual Di
ck novel. :|