Originally Posted by storymilo
Um well... besides all of them?
The most popular fan favorites are probably Abbey Road and Revolver, so those might be a good place to start. I would also suggest Rubber Soul which is one of my personal favorites, and Magical Mystery Tour which I find very underrated. The White Album is interesting because it's different from a lot of their other stuff, and Sgt. Pepper's is pretty good but overrated imo.
In terms of their earlier stuff, Please Please Me and A Hard Day's Night are my favorites.
So overall I would probably suggest getting Revolver, but it might be interesting to go in chronological order, saving the best stuff for last. Or you could even try going backwards, I'd be interested to see how that turns out.
Just get them all 
Sounds good to me, thank you!
I may just go backwards for the hell of it. Will probably take a while to get through though haha. But all that means is more good music!