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Thread: CTtS
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Old 10-30-2009, 01:27 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default CTtS

My apologies if there is a Circle Takes the Square thread already, but I am also sort of new to this website forum. My question is if you guys would be willing help me decipher the meaning behind their song "Kill the Switch". I can first off thank all of you for turning me onto CTtS, as of right now their album As the Roots Undo has been playing on my computer and in my car for a solid month. After listening to this album for so long I have narrowed down my favorite song on the album to "Kill the Switch" and my next objective is to find some sort of meaning behind this song, so I was seeing if anyone had any sort of clue or idea. I was staring at the lyrics CIRCLE TAKES THE SQUARE - KILL THE SWITCH LYRICS and I can honestly say I don't have much of lead quite yet, although this is my first time thinking about it and looking at the lyrics, but I will post again if I come up with any ideas.


YouTube - Circle Takes The Square - Kill The Switch
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