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Old 10-28-2009, 11:01 PM   #120 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
Posts: 2,014

Originally Posted by AwwSugar View Post
Making people feel welcome is wonderful.
Thank you for recognizing me, darling.

I do think the rules should be more mandatory, though.
It wasn't until recently that I even knew there were rules.
And many of the things I've seen are AGAINST the rules
I agree with you, Sugar, that the welcoming is nice, and I mean to do more of it because I *want* to greet people. Your comments on the rules are troubling, but they support my view that many smart, well-meaning people (like you) miss reading them. People forever wander into the songwriting thread unaware that there is an introduction thread...or rules. Of course, most people as MB-old as *you* are probably find the rules within the first month after joining, not at the end of their first *year* (ha ha!). But, I still love ya!

Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
the introductions forum/thread is stupid to begin with, i really see no other purpose it serves aside from giving people who will never come here again the opportunity to list their favorite bands, and to have others say "welcome to mb" like retarded walmart greeters.
Heh heh, I *like* Walmart greeters because (1) I know their job is to greet people to try to get people to buy more, and so I feel kind of sorry for them, (2) I like to greet them and ask them how they are to try to cheer them up so that they won't feel like people think they are "retarded walmart greeters."

I feel a good, warm greeting can help new MB members feel genuinely welcome. I think that is a good goal, all by itself, whether the person stays or not. I feel that if people haven't been welcoming to new members, then the quality of the MB experience *will* go down. I planned to stay regardless of the welcome I received in the introduction thread, which certainly wasn't altogether positive, but others with thinner hides than I might be scared off by older MB members. For example, I've seen a young man belittled, chased and heckled out of the songwriting section...I tried to defend him...but he left, never to return. That isn't the feeling I would like MB to have for newcomers, because I want MB to offer people a meaningful way to explore and share mutual interests in music and communicating about it (and other things, too).

Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
It's ironic, for as long as I campaigned to get The Unfan banned, with no success. Once we actually start having friendly discussions and chatting it up on AIM, that's what he gets perma banned.

I've come to the conclusion that he's really an ok guy, just not when he's on this forum. We actually have similar interests and a few things in common, while it's hard to get over all the sh*t he's done in the past, at last for the time being we've managed to put it aside.
By Golly, boo boo, I was planning to try to officially befriend the guy here on MB because I felt we had found common ground...not much, perhaps, but some (I expected him to reject the offer, but one never knows!). I suppose knowing he was an atheist Iowan such as myself who loves cats and (some) music and dislikes hypocrisy made me especially interested in him...and I felt sorry that people kept thinking he was trolling when he posted in my songwriting thread, although I didn't feel he was. I do think it is interesting that I feel concern about the fairness of the process leading to The Unfan's permabanning, just like he, apparently, felt concern about a previous member's banning.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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