Music Banter - View Single Post - How satisfied are you with the way members are moderated?
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Old 10-28-2009, 01:06 PM   #10 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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To Erica,

thanks for the suggestions They are both interesting!

I'm not sure if all punishment should be subject to comment and scrutiny from the regular members. Something peple should remember is that we don't always enjoy our job and on occasion, we make decisions we think are tough. The system as it is with moderators wouldn't work as smoothly as it does if we had to answer not only to other mods, but to the whole community every time we make a decision and having people judge our every move would make us vulnerable and the job more unpleasant .. I think.

I like your first suggestion better, the one where an MB Jury can turn a tempban into a permban.

I think it's unfortunate that you've seen mods use their powers to bully other members. Although I can't say for sure I haven't, I feel like I at least try not to do it. Ultimately, we're in this position to do a job for you guys and the owner of the site. We're not supposed to moderate for personal gain and although it may not always look like it, it is taken seriously and there is some level of policing between moderators. Decisions to moderate regular members occasionally get discussed, sometimes hotly, in the moderators forum. Outside the mods forum, we try to appear like a more unified force although that sometimes fails.

Originally Posted by NumberNineDream View Post
On another subject, I guess the only thing I find annoying is the big number of censured words. In many cases it does seem weird and not logical.
This is not something we have control over I'm afraid. As far as I know, it has to do with google and is non-negotiable. At least there are workarounds!
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