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Old 10-27-2009, 05:29 AM   #2 (permalink)
Victory Guy
Music Addict
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 59

Loved Endgame. It was the heaviest album they have done in years. 1,320' (track 4 of Endgame) is one of the best songs I've heard Megadeth do. Head Crusher also is a great slice of Thrash.
My favourite album from Megadeth really has to be Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? That ranks up there among the greatest all-time metal albums. I reckon it pips Master of Puppets and
Reign in Blood to the post as well, personally.
The song you showed (Sleepwalker off of United Abominations) is probably my favourite off of that album. Pretty much every song on UA I liked (never really much got into 'Burnt Ice'). Rust in Peace also had 2 of my favourite Megadeth songs as well (Holy Wars... The Punishment Due and Tornado of Souls).
I was going to see them with Slayer two weeks ago in Melbourne but the friend I was going with pulled out at the last minute so I ended up cashing in the Tix.

My top 10 favourite Megadeth songs:
1. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due, Rust in Peace
2. Go to Hell, Hidden Treasures
3. 1,320', Endgame
4. Sleepwalker, United Abomination
5. Tornado of Souls, Rust in Peace
6. Gears of War, United Abominations
7. Peace Sells, Peace Sells... But Who's Buying
8. Head Crusher, Endgame
9. Return to Hangar, The World Needs a Hero
10. The Conjuring, Peace Sells... But Who's Buying
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