Right so, when I was younger I spent most of my summers in Turkey, so Turkish music came sort of like a second nature to me. Bearing in mind I was really young and had no taste in music whatsoever, don't judge me

. But when Holly Valance’s – Kiss Kiss came out all my friends loved it, I really recognised it but I never liked it. I found out once I went to Turkey that summer it was Tarkans – Kiss Kiss translated and obviously sang by her. I basically hated the English version yet, loved Tarkans and knew all the Turkish words even though I never had a clue what they meant. I think that just goes to show if a songs in English it doesn’t necessarily make it any better and foreign songs should definitely be left foreign.
I wrote that 3 times and made spelling mistakes 3 times so pressed backspace, it took me to my search results, and deleted the whole paragraph. I stopped trusting Firefox by this point and wrote this whole thing on Microsoft Word.