Woke up at like 9...Had a **** night last night after waking up at 2 in dire agony from my right ear drum exploding. Went to the doctor's at 11 and my appointment was late so I was surrounded by people coughing everywhere and giving each other filthy looks =[
Finally got probed and prodded enough to be prescribed some antibiotics, and while waiting for the people in the pharmacists to get off their arses and find my medicine, I went for a coffee with my ma and two dogs. Which was a mistake cuz before I could even start drinking my tea, a dude with a huge Staffordshire walks by and my dogs go MENTAL and knock my tea all over my lap. So my legs are soaked in boiling tea and I look like I've peed myself. And the guy with the massive dog thinks it's a good idea to stand near us and have a conversation bout WHY the dogs are trying to tear each others throats out. Finally we get home and I can change, go on Facebook, maybe have some proper food, and my dad comes home and decides to yell at me for being on the computer.
All in all, not a great day =[ Especially as I'm ill right as half term starts.
Duff Mckagan <3
Jeff Rouse <3
Steven Tyler <3
Originally Posted by CutekittenRocker
My vote: Music
Music turns you on and you can turn on the music by just pressing a button 