Smash Mouth was just terrible

It really was. But I can remember being in the fourth grade and thinking that "All Star" was
too awesome. And if you didn't know all the words then you weren't shi
t. Ah, how young and dumb I was. And with that being said, Smash Mouth pretty much did what it was meant to do- put out a few passable songs that would be played on the radio over and over for a month and then forgotten under a mass of new pop rubbish.
Also as another little side-note, I remember back when "All Star" was first put out, Smash Mouth put on a summer concert on the T.V. and I remember watching it in horror when I heard the lead singer sound absolutely nothing like he did on the radio. I remember thinking -Why does he all of a sudden have a British accent? Another reason these guys blow, haha.