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Old 10-22-2009, 10:55 PM   #9 (permalink)
county fair energy
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
Before you run the risk of coming across as a "fan boy" and thoroughly jeopardizing your reputation as a MB poster, it's usually best to circumvent a few steps in your evolutionary process as a forum member. Firstly I would suggest taking the one artist that you enjoy the most and immediately decide that you think they are completely overrated and that you are so completely over them and have been for quite some time. I mean it has to happen sooner or later, right? It's the only way really. Save all the residual sentiment you have for said artist and channel it into appreciating the one obscure album that everyone hates and is disappointed by, except for you of course, because you in fact know that it is the one album that no one understands and is the true manifestation of said artist's soul and creative energy. Spare no attempt in letting everyone know this in whatever partially relevant thread you can find.

N00bs don't forget that while this forum is quite active and new & somewhat relevant threads are being created daily by idiots and veteran members alike, it's usually best to start out your MB journey hitting up the archives and letting that one guy who posted only once in 2004 in the "name that tune thread" know the name of the song he's been looking for, because by now he's been following that thread for 5 years, and is probably distraught to the point of mild psychosis that no one has given him an answer yet. Resurrecting dead threads is an excellent way to drastically improve your status almost instantly. Alternately, if that's not an option, a fairly poorly written dissertation on why punk is dead, why Blink 182 is overrated, or creating a thread devoted to your 10 favorite rock bands will usually serve to put you in good standings with the MB community at large.
This was fantastic.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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