Originally Posted by pastor of muppets
top 5 coolest ways to die
1. eaten alive by horny transexual gorillas
2. having your heart stabbed out with a sharpened pool cue then slowly watching it stop beating as you die
3. sucking your arm so hard that you create a syphon effect creating a neverending cycle whereby you rotate around through yourself.
4. jumping off the empire state building into a pack of ravenous dogs with a slaughtered cow strapped to various parts of your body
5. ran around in circles so fast that you dig a hole in the ground until you fall into a pool of lava and are cooked alive...
hope you were amused... if not, dont blame me...
Amazing, how do you come up with this kinda stuff?!
ok 5 reasons why im tired
*lack of sleep
*to much general movement
*practising with the band
*seeing my b/f, enough said on that
*and cuz i got up to early