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Old 06-01-2005, 08:31 PM   #6 (permalink)
Modern Drummer
Soundgardener's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 947

Plans For The Summer:

1. Buy Music
2. Play Drums
3. Get Laid
4. Learn how to drive
5. Do random **** with friends

Greatest Song Titles:

1. This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm on This Song
2. Metempsicosi Del Fine Ultimo Nevrastenica Oscillazione Fra Poli Estremi
3. Drunkship of Lanterns
4. Paranoid Android
5. Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

Top 5 people I'd Like to meet:

1. John Bonham
2. Kim Jong Il
3. Dirt Mcgirt
4. Zack DLR
5. Pamela Anderson

Why Hobo's are Good People:

1. They give you advice
2. They set examples
3. They are trend setters
4. They make you feel better
5. Some play music
Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Mr Bungle >>> Your soul
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