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Old 10-13-2009, 03:05 PM   #61 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
The crowd i spend most of my time with don't do any of the things i just mentioned because if they did i would probabaly end up punching them but i do know people like that. People who you can see waiting for you to finish what you are saying just so they can start a conversation with "Man, i smoked SO much weed last night...." or people who go to work every Monday morning with a story of the chick they fucked that weekend and seem to make their way around pretty much everyone else to tell them about it too until theres no one left.

People who talk about sex and drugs don't annoy me, it's just the idiots i can't stand who expect me to a) be impressed or b) really care either way.
I just don't understand that if you're not around these people most of the time, why you'd spend enough time thinking about them to be annoyed by them.
I would think they were annoying, but only for the time I was around them. Then I would promptly get them the hell away from me and that would be that. I just don't know why it seems like a big enough issue to you that it becomes a recurring theme in your perspectives. (I remember you talking about this before)
I'm not trying to call you out or anything... just trying to understand your POV.
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