Music Banter - View Single Post - Kings of Leon
Thread: Kings of Leon
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Old 10-12-2009, 06:46 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
I have this problem with the Kings Of Leon.

I WANT to like them , but i get this impression they`re holding back.

I really can`t describe it. It`s like they have this fantastic album in them but they can`t get it out.
They've had a few greta album's in my opinion. However they have a number of good/great songs on this new album, many of there 'older' stuff is very good as well.

I agree with you that there is that something missing with them. They make hits, well always did in the UK, but now all over the world. There songs are very catchy and most have a good melody. There lyrics can go from lazy written to a song that was written so great yet wont receive any attention. I think this band has a great talent, and won't last much longer.. but they will however create more "mtv' music for us all to listen to. Well maybe in the not so distant future they will open up a bit more and give us a great album that will be worth talking about in 20 years from now.
Major Tom to Ground Control

SATCHMO my fellow pot head.
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