Music Banter - View Single Post - What's The Most Tedious Off Topic Discussion On MusicBanter
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:06 AM   #45 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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I really like discussing as long as it's a proper subject and not just bickering because someone worded themselves poorly and couldn't accurately describe the thought that was in their head at the time - or something similar. As long as the discussion moves forward, I tend to enjoy it. What I don't like about forums is whenever you have a discussion in a thread that is moving forward, new people enter it who only replies to the op without reading any of the following posts. If you wanna discuss with these people, you end up going back to the start over and over and over again.

The worst thread so far (imo) was the drugs thread. You could discuss drug politics with people who seemed like they got really mad for real if you posted anything speculative against the drugs they love (esp. that one guy who lived in that thread) and every discussion was spiced with people bragging about how much dope they'd smoked or popped every now and then.
Something Completely Different
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