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Old 10-11-2009, 07:05 PM   #34 (permalink)
daddy don't
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Originally Posted by Rickenbacker View Post
Reveal is actually totally underrated. Imitation of Life might be the best song of the decade, not even exaggerating. Critics cast the record off as a U2-like attempt at commercialism, and then bash it further for failing at finding that commercial sound, noting all the little bells, whistles, blips and dings that beautifully adorn the album (see I've Been High) as dated and irrelevant. I disagree with this. Rather than trying to conform, I think R.E.M. was taking the retro sound of Up one step further; upping the electronic beats and adding more and more synths until it became sort of however close R.E.M. could get to a Kid A like album (I've Been High would fit right at home on the latter if Thom sang it). A noble failure at changing the popular sound, as opposed to a noble failure at conforming to a pre-established popular sound is what Reveal is, in essence. But still, viewed out of that context it's a beautifully lively album that deserves much more respect than it has been given.
very good improptu review, will have to dig out the CD tomorrow because it was a big hit round these parts when it came out, great summer album with a cosy sense of nostalgia to it

Originally Posted by loveissucide View Post
5.Boy In Da Corner-Dizzee Rascal
good call on raskit, best british album forever and the most experimental UK 'urban' record, this will be in my top 3 if i put together a list. He is dead to me after this album

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