Religion: This topic would be far more interesting if we had more religious (nutters) members on here.
Oojay springs to mind, although his religious rants usually took place in just about every thread they shouldn't have.
He'd have definitely spiced up the religion threads.
Always good for a laugh.
Sex (And Those Who Never Shut Up About It): There's enough sex in music without the need of a sex thread.
Best avoided unless for taking the piss out of those with interweb egos, tits and or, dic
ks bigger than the Albert Hall.
The American Political System: Like religion, arguing about politics is always a huge waste of time.
The church and the politicians never truly listen to real people in real life and anyone who thinks they can change the world by ranting in a music forum with people who, mostly, have only half an idea of what they are actually talking about is a bigger waste of time than arguing about religion.
Video Games Fanboys:
Other (Please Specify): The most tedious of topics on MusicBanter has to be the genre Nazis.
And there are non more mind numbingly tedious than the ones who argue over what bands are and or not, emo.
Emo elitists take the biscuit.
A question. Why does almost every emo thread title begin with a lower case letter?