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Old 10-10-2009, 08:17 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BTown787 View Post
Dumbest **** I ever read.

Just because nowadays garbage like All Time Low and other bands are considered punk are popular doesn't mean punks dead. I could name at least 30 bands that came out after 1988 that are worthy of being called Punlk.

I agree with some things said about Hot Topic what with the safety pins and such.
Punks were never big on spending lots of money on there appearance. Nowadays I always see these *******s wearing theese peices of ****:

They're like 60 bucks too, what the hell are they thinking?
I have to admit I have gone into Hot Topic once or twice and gotten a t shirt or two because they are pretty cheap there and have some cool looking exclusive shirts.
Still I perfer ordering online because not as many people have the shirts and I get to choose who gets the money, weather there be a middle man or it goes straight to the band.
GOD I HATE ALL TIME LOW. They are from where I am from and I know so many ditsy stupid chicks that are all about them. So stupid.
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