The Obliteration of Humanity (!T.O.O.H!) - Punishment and Order
The Obliteration of Humanity (!T.O.O.H) - Punishment and Order. 2nd greatest acronym next to Communists, Anarchist, Nihilists, TOOH produced genre busting avant gard/weird metal that didn't deeck around. Prog-Grindcore with dual melodic guitar leads, shredding solos, jazzy bass-lines, inventive song structures, odd time signatures, topped off with a guy screaming in Czeck (2nd only to a guy screaming in Japanese)...and at times, punky to boot! They're different, yet offer enough familiarity to make their grind easy to get into. !T.O.O.H! recently broke up in 2006, and this was their last release. Earlier stuff is impossible to find.
Jazz guys refer to what TOOH does as "Outside/Inside" playing, a little chaos followed with some structure, a little blasting and then a nice groove.
Last edited by almauro; 10-07-2009 at 05:34 PM.