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Old 10-05-2009, 12:10 AM   #12 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Hobb's End
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Personally I think 2009 has been one of the strongest years this decade for all genres, here's some of the stuff I've been enjoying this year:

Cobalt - Gin

I don't even know where to begin with this one, it's just pure awesome that is indescribable. It's really one of those metal albums that cannot be categorized, there's hints of black metal, trash metal, and progressive metal. Jackhammer recently listened to it and pretty much had the same feelings that I had for it, cannot be passed over by fans of extreme metal, Ernest Hemmingway, and Hunter S. Thompson.

Devin Townsend - Ki

Took me a few listens with headphones to really appreciate this album. I think Devin's new found sobriety had a tremendous effect on his music, however it's still just as intense as his drug assisted music.

Diablo Swing Orchestra - Sing-Along Songs for the Damned & Delirious

I was scampering around trying to find a leak on this, then out of nowhere it came to me in an e-mail, pretty awesome stuff. It's a lot more accessible than Butcher's Ballroom, far less operatic and more metallic. Some of the guitar riffs really reminded me of Meshuggah which is a good thing.

The Protomen - Act II: Death of the Father

Was really looking forward to this album because their 2005 self-titled was easily the best rock opera based on Mega Man ever. This really steps it up a notch as far as an epic goes. Had a real nice Meatloaf vibe to it.

Random - Mega Ran 9

I found it kind of nice that Random decided to release his follow up to his Mega Man concept album the same year as The Protomen. As far as production this one blows 2007's Mega Ran out of the water. His flow and rhyme skills have been really fine tuned and feels a lot more natural.

Immortal - All Shall Fall

It took them seven years to make this album but man sometimes good things come to those who wait (although technically I've only been waiting three).

Dethklok - Dethalbum II

It's pretty hard to dislike this album unless you have absolutely no sense of humor. Yeah it is a little annoying when people claim to be fans of extreme metal yet all they can name is Dethklok but whatever, they're not even on my radar of importance. What matter's is that this album really steps it up a notch.

Corb Lund - Losin' Lately Gambler

Just under two years since Horse Soldier! Horse Soldier! came out and really helped put Canadian country on the map of importance. Losin' Lately Gambler sounds a lot like Hair in my Eyes which is great because it's a perfect blend of humor, seriousness, reality, and death, all in country form. Corb Lund is one of the few country artists that isn't of the "Gothic" variety, so whenever he has a new release it's always going to strike a chord with me.

ArnoCorps - The Ballsy EP

Sure it's only 6 songs but holy crap are they ever a good five songs. If you're unfamiliar with this band they're essentially a Schwarzenegger tribute band that happens to play punk music. I feel inches being added to my biceps every time I listen to them.

Abigail's Ghost - D_Letion

Only listened to it a few times, but I enjoyed it a lot. If you're unfamiliar with Abigail's Ghost they're one of the better unknown prog rock/metal bands out there.

Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes

While the vocals really get on my tits I absolutely love the atmosphere this band creates. With the help of some audio editing software I was able to mute the vocals and make it just an instrumental album (I suppose it is kind of cheating and probably not legal). If you're into some dark black metal that really helps create a feeling of bleak emptiness they you need not look further, just don't be surprised when the screaming vocals detract from the experience.

Audible Mainframe - Transients

Their first album after their relocation from Boston to Los Angeles and it really shows. Not quite as enjoyable as their debut album Framework it was more than enough to keep me entertained as well as the people I shared it with.

Scott H. Biram - Something Wrong/ Lost Forever

To be honest I just found out about this artist last week but holy crap what an impact they've had in that small amount of time. His ability to write captivating dark songs and present them in a way that doesn't seem cliched is truly amazing.

The Black Heart Procession Six

Again another group I had just found out about this year but holy sweet mother of zombie Jesus are they good.

Bike For Three - More Hearts Than Brains

Buck 65 with the Anticon label? Hell yes!

Drudkh - Microcosmos

After their impressive 2007 album Estrangement I was quite excited when I found out they had a new album coming out. Not as good as I was hoping for, but oh well, them's the breaks sometimes.

Anyways there's a ton more to write about but it's getting late and my syntax juice is running low so I'm just going to list off some albums

Deer Tick - Born on Flag Day
Lucero - 1372 Overton Park
Mastodon - Crack the Skye
Jon Lajoie - You Want Some Of This?
mc chris - Part Six Part One
Cradle Orchestra - Velvet Ballads
Cluth - Strange Cousins From The West
Slough Feg - Ape Rising
Sleep (Of Oldomion) - Hesitation Wounds
Solillaquists of Sound - No More Heroes
Rodrigo y Gabriela - 11:11
Panzerballett - Hart Genossen Von Abba Bis Zap
Pure Reason Revolution - Amor Vincit Omnia
Pinebox Serenade - Let The River Take Them Home
Napalm Death - Time Waits For No Slave
N.A.S.A. - Spirit of the Apollo
Hacride - Lazerus
Drive-By Truckers - Fine Print
True Live - Found Lost
William Elliott Whitmore - Animals In the Dark
I Monster - A Dense Swarm of Ancient Stars

. In short 2009 has really been an incredible year and there's still new Nile, Katatonia, Devin Townsend, Shaolin Death Squad,Hypocrisy, and Gift of Gab coming out.
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