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Old 10-04-2009, 11:12 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BTown787 View Post
I know a lot of people who consider underoath emo, which I disagree with but genre is in the eye of the beholder.
Genres usually do have some sort of concrete history, but emo is hazy to alot of people due to it being used as a mainstream buzzword in the 2000s, so naivete is understandable to an extent. Someone calling the Get up Kids emo is alright, because they were part of the wave of bands that first started making the emo sound more pop rock in the 90s - but Underoath has no connection to the original scene or music style. Underoath is emo to people because Alternative Press tells them so, not because they actually are

Originally Posted by Antonio View Post
yeah, it's more post-hardcore. ever since the eve of Hot Topic and stupid ass teens, the term has been thrown around like a volleyball.
right about the term being thrown around, but here's a question - if post-hardcore was what happened when people in hardcore bands in the 80s branched out into different musical styles (Emo is technically just a subset of post-hardcore), then how long can you use the term post-hardcore? what happens when you're post-post-hardcore? Underoath werent former members of Minor Threat saying "lets shake things up". I dont know what you call this stuff to be honest, but it's not post-hardcore either.
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