Originally Posted by WolfAtTheDoor
i am nearly 19 years old. I have thus far been involved in 3 different college courses,about to embark on a fourth. I still have absolutely no idea what to do with my life, but not in the 'oh im so young and I have no direction' sort of way, in the 'im very close to finding myself' sort way. That being said, I find others tales of failure leading to success very comforting to hear.
i'm the latter and rather than post a long and whiny gripe i'll just say this.
i went to college because it's what people expected me to do because i understood how to get good grades in high school (memorization != learning). this left me with a pair of pieces of paper that i wouldn't even use to wipe my own butt with and an $18 000 debt that ended up costing me over $30 000 by the time i finished paying it off. i've had to spend so much time working other jobs to pay off my debt that my 'education' is now archaic and worthless.
i now work a job with a guy who barely finished high school in a call center that hires people who have barely developped the motor skills necessary to handle a freaking pen. yay college!
(for those that don't know, college in canada is more along the lines of technical schools where classes are streamlined for specific programs and courses generally run for 2 years).